Provide qualitative and accessible education and after-school activities for underprivileged children from in and around Patron San Sebastian, through the school San Gabriel.

Involve the community members with the work of San Gabriel and the other activities of Helping Hands Cusco so that a collective agreement about emancipatory and pedagogic values is stimulated. Being visibly present as a counselor in and around the
school and being disposable to support people in case of familiar problems.

Grouping and empowering vulnerable and underprivileged (single) mothers. They produce dolls, teddy bears, clothes, decorations and accessories made of baby alpaca wool.

Creating an ecological and durable consciousness by the members of Cusco poor areas. Integrate ecological consciousness in the education of San Gabriel.

Providing food in the school for the children to make sure they have a good meal each day. Providing an accessible and qualitative medical care for the underprivileged members of the community.